What 3 updates should sellers avoid that takes thousands of dollars out of their pocket when selling!!
Hi everyone! Even though it looks like we are in the start of. Or in a recession. Even though I think the effects if any will not dramatically hurt the housing market. I am glad to report we are still in a strong market for sellers!
With low inventory and buyers enjoying historic low interest rates Sellers are getting top dollar and a fast sale!
Look I get it. The shutdown has affected people differently. Maybe your concerned about your job. Or maybe you do not have a job anymore. So, I understand why this maybe wouldn’t be a good time to sell for you.
But if that is not you. Then this a great market to list your home!
1. Landscaping lets talk about the things you should do to get top dollar on your house first!
Here are the Shoulds:
Either you or a professional trim all the bushes and shrubs!
Consider putting fresh mulch or rock down especially if there are bare spots
And make you edge around the pavers
Things to avoid!
Replacing your landscaping!
Deciding to take all your mulch out and replacing it with rock
Taking all the rock to get a new color!
2. Fences
Here are the shoulds
If you think your fence needs repairs, then bring out a professional Will cost a fraction of the cost of replacing!
If your fence cannot be repaired which is rare. Consider not having one
Unless you have a pool and must have one for code.
I understand you may have pets or children that play outside.
3. Decks
Here are the shoulds
Make sure there is not rotten planks in the deck and if so replace them
Check the railing around the deck and make sure it is secure
Make sure the hand railing and the stairs are sturdy
Here is what to avoid
Replacing the whole deck. Yes, on more than one occasion I have seen sellers
When simple repairs were all that were needed
If you must replace the deck do not replace with a 50 yr deck. Most cost of double of what a wood deck would be and you simply won’t get your money back!