Hi everyone!
For the sellers who are putting their homes on the market. I am seeing most of my sellers along with others having great success! Selling for top dollar and fast more times than not! Which is great news for sellers!
Of course, with buyers enjoying historic low-interest rates! It makes it a great time to buy also!
However, I am found that are far too many buyers that are viewing sellers’ homes. That are not in a position to buy the home. In other words, their simply looky-loos, which does nothing far the sellers and is pretty much a waste of time for the buyers!
Here is a few examples of what I am mean by looky-loos:
Buyers who have their home on the market but need to sell it before they can buy another
Buyers who need to sell their home to buy another, but who do not even have their house on the market!
This is mostly from buyer agents thinking wrongly I might add. That if the buyer sees a home they like, that they will drop everything and run and put their home on the market. As you probably know, that doesn’t’ happen.
And yes, some buyers who haven’t even talked to a qualified lender to see if they are qualified to buy your home. Come into look at the homes also.
What is the solution? For years now high-end sellers from 800k to million dollars have asked and gotten a proof of funding letter. Stating that the buyer that comes into their home is able to buy it!
I believe its high time that sellers that own 200 thousand-dollar homes have the same rights, don’t you?
That is why I recommend highly to any of my sellers that they ask for a proof of fund letter so they know the buyers looking at their home can buy it. And are not just looky-loos!
Who do you know that wants to have the same support, that high end sellers have enjoyed for years? Have them call or text my private number at 618-210-2451 today. So I can show you how we can keep the looky-loos away!
Until next time Make it a great day!