Should you put your house on the market in the month of February? Stay tuned and I will give you that answer.
This is Ready, Set, SOLD. The show that helps Real Estate buyers, sellers and agents in the St. Louis Metro area be more successful. I’m your host Bryan Vogt, a local Realtor, Cardinals and Blues fan and author of two Amazon number one best-selling books on real estate.
Hey everyone. Thanks for joining me today. So, should you put your house on the market in the Metro East in the month of February? Well I can tell you from past experience, those who do have had some fantastic success of not only that top dollar but a fast sale. Let me give you three reasons why I believe this to be true.
Number 1: Low low Inventory. Buyers love to buy the houses that are coming on to the market. And yes there are houses out there but unfortunately many of those have been on the market for five, six, seven, eight months and that’s what buyers are looking for so by being on the market first gives you a fantastic opportunity to get your home sold fast and for top dollar.
Number 2: Military Buyers. I work with countless military buyers now and in the past and I can tell you right now they are looking to buy a home. They may not physically be here yet but they’ll be here shortly and they’re scoping out what’s available, and you want those military eyeballs on your house.
Number 3: The Spring Market, beating it. Now look there’s nothing wrong if you want to put your house on the market in spring, most people do that’s fine, but understand unless you have a specific reason that you need to be in the spring market you might want to consider the February market. Why? Because there are so many houses on the market in spring, but what sellers may not realize, is that there’s not always as many buyers for the houses that are on the market. I would say over the years maybe 50/50. And those sellers that unfortunately that don’t get their houses sold, oftentimes are on the market much longer than expected and usually not for the money they thought they could have gotten when they eventually sell.
So those are my three reasons why I believe getting your house on the market can be a great opportunity for sellers. But just so you know I’m here to answer all your questions for the housing market in the Metro East wether that’s buying or selling, how I could be of help, just shoot me a line whether a text, or an email I’d be glad to help out any way I can.
Thanks again for joining me and make it a great day.
Got a question about Real Estate around the St. Louis Metro East area?
Call me Bryan Vogt at (618)210-24-51.
Or, for a free copy of my Amazon number one best-selling book: Ready, Set, SOLD, visit my website at
Thank you for tuning in. This is Bryan Vogt. Until next time on: Ready, Set, SOLD.
Is February a good month to put your house on the market?
February 3, 2020