Is the best time to sell now or would next month be better
Is the best time to sell now or would next month be better?
Bryan Vogt here. Are we at the top of the market? Yes! Could the next month be better? Maybe or maybe not! If there is one thing I have learned in the past year and a half is things can change on a dime. And real estate is no exception! Because of that, I am a very big believer in working with the knowns. And I know right now we have an amazing market for sellers.
What could change? There are three main factors that could shift this ever-changing market quickly!
1. A rise in interest rates. We have had historic low-interest rates for a long long time. And there are plenty of experts that are surprised they have not already gone up. If they do that is going to limit the buyers buying power and more likely keep prices from rising. And depending on the increase we could even see sellers lowering prices to sell!
2. Concerns about inflation. With the amount of money, the government has put back into the economy. More than a few experts are concerned about inflation. Whether that will happen or not no one knows for sure. But if inflation should raise its ugly head it could affect the overall buying power of buyers for everything including the amount they can pay for your house!
3. Were opening up virtually everything in the month of June. Yeah!! However, it would be hard not to believe that the market wouldn’t open up also increases the competition. And with more competition. The price is usually the first thing to go!
Note Since I am constantly researching the market and going over data to give you and my clients the most current and accurate information on this ever-changing market. If you own an Executive home, especially houses in the 400’s alh1>l the way up to the million marks. You should take action now. The research shows that these houses are staying on the market a little longer than just a month or two ago. And if any of three factors I laid out. Interest rates, inflation, or more competition should rise it would affect these homes more negatively than lower-priced houses.
However, that is not where we’re at now. Right now, we are at the top of the market as for as I know, or for that matter, anyone knows! If you are looking to get top dollar and a fast sale with the least amount of hassles then call me today at 618-210-2451 and let’s get started now!
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Is the best time to sell now or would next month be better?
June 1, 2021