Bryan Vogt here! First To not miss another episode hit the subscribe button and ring that bell! Thanks! Since military buyers represent the largest buying block in our market. I thought it was important for sellers to have information on what military buyers are looking for when they buy. So I conducted a poll with military buyers to find out what was their number one item they were looking for when they came to Scott to buy! I think sellers will find the results very helpful. But first, I will give you the options they had to choose from on the poll. Second, I will give you the results of the poll, and last, I will let you know what you may need to do for your home to be on the military buyer’s radar! Let’s dig in!
The poll question was What is the number one factor that will determine which home you buy?
Their options
1. To buy their dream home
2. To buy a fixer-upper home
3. To buy a home near the base.
4. To purchase a home with the best school district.
5 To buy a home with the best resale value.
So, which one do you think won out? Let’s start with the bottom and move up!
5. A fixer-upper home. Was last. The biggest concern was how much time and possible cost it would take to fix it. Understand the time restraint’s most military have. Find a home. Get all their belongings shipped in. Get the kids in school and about a million other things they need to do. And finding time to fix up a home wasn’t an option!
4. Finding their dream home. The number reason why it wasn’t at the top was timing. Understand most military buyers only have a few days to make a buying decision. And they couldn’t take the chance if their dream home was available when they came in or not!
3. A home close to the base. It was something that most military buyers liked but since most homes in the area are within a 10-to-15-minute drive anyway was why it didn’t make number one!
2. A home that had the best school district. This ranked high and was strongly considered and it was something all military buyers wanted for their children. But it still wasn’t number one!
1. A home that had the best potential for resale. Was the number one item they were looking at when buying. As fast as they come in, they wanted to make sure they could sell and move just as fast to their new station when the time comes. And maybe put a few dollars, if not more in their pocket in the process!
So, what should home sellers take from this poll?
First, if your home is a fixer-upper and you want the military to come a-knocking! You might want to consider making some improvements now! To catch the biggest block of buyers in our area!
Secondly, if you have a dream home with all the bells and whistles. That is where having a technology-based agent is so important. Video is king! And more and more buyers, particularly in the military will buy homes from video and pictures!
Third A home close to the base with good schools and great resale value will be in high demand. Should let those home sellers in Mascoutah, O’Fallon, and Shiloh, in particular, feel good about the military coming to their doors. However, in this ever-tightening market, we are in. I have to believe Is going to open up much more areas than ever before for the military. Just make sure you make the improvements that you need to attract them and an agent that understands the importance of technology. And you should have your share of military buyers coming to your door also!
I hope this poll was helpful! Who do you know in Shiloh who feels they have put their lives on hold for the past two years and want to capture all the military buyers they can in this crazy market? Please have them contact me today! I would love to help them!
Until the next episode! Make it an amazing day!
Is your home on the military buyer’s radar list to buy? Find out!
January 11, 2022