Bryan Vogt: This is Bryan Vogt, and you’re listening to Ready, Set, Sold. I’m here with Mayor Jim Vernier, the Mayor of Shiloh, Illinois and, we left you actually kind of on the lurch, a little bit. But, the Mayor was talking about the extension from Frank Scott Parkway that’s going to eventually go all the way to Scott Air Force base. And also, off of 64, the ramp. Enlighten us a little bit more about what you’re talking about there.
Bryan Vogt: This is Bryan Vogt, and you’re listening to Ready, Set, Sold. I’m here with Mayor Jim Vernier, the Mayor of Shiloh, Illinois and, we left you actually kind of on the lurch, a little bit. But, the Mayor was talking about the extension from Frank Scott Parkway that’s going to eventually go all the way to Scott Air Force base. And also, off of 64, the ramp. Enlighten us a little bit more about what you’re talking about there.
Jim Vernier: Yes. It goes all the way East to what’s called the Reader Road Interchange at I64. And, we expect development to occur there as well but, that’s also a big positive for Scott Air Force base, for their commercial deliveries. All of the deliveries from Scott need to go down route four and come around on the South side of the base.
They’re now going to have a direct access off I64 straight into Scott Air Force base for their trucks and deliveries. But, that’s a positive about the Frank Scott Parkway extension. But, it also of course, will bring in additional commercial development along the existing properties there in Shiloh.
Bryan Vogt: That is so huge and, what I love about this is, not only does it … It’s a win-win and I always love win-win situations. Scott Air Force base wins because they need to have that type of economic growth and also, solidify Scott Air Force base as a place of being here and how important it is to community and, how supporting community is such a great thing.
But the other part about it is, what I love about … There’s that part where you’re driving down Frank Scott Parkway and it just ends, it just stops there, right there at, I guess it’s Cross street is what you would call it there at the stop light. And now, what you’re talking about is, that’s going to be extended out, tie into 64, tie into the base.
That news itself is fantastic because, not only is that going to create I know, extreme good things in the real estate market for Shiloh, but for the entire region. Now Frank Scott Parkway is tied into not only O’Farrell, and Belbow, Swansea, and Milstat. It just opens up that door.
We talk about perception and perception is kind of real because, when people come to at T and there’s nothing on the other side, they just simply can’t see the other side of it. So, I think that expansions going to be extremely exciting and good for you for helping get that through. The other part that I’d like to talk about too, that’s just … We talked about the tip of the iceberg, that’s just part of it because, unless you’ve been living underneath a rock or, you just don’t watch the news at all, you’ve got some fantastic news coming off in Shiloh with a car … Some little car dealership I’ve heard of … Maybe people have heard of. Tell me more.
Jim Vernier: Yes. Offenberg Auto Mall will be building in Shiloh starting towards the end of this year, into next year. And, we expect six to eight dealerships to be located at that facility.
Bryan Vogt: Wow.
Jim Vernier: And it is just to the East of the Holiday Inn and Target on the land that’s owned by BJC. And just South of that. And that’s going to be used … The economic impact that our community is going to receive from the sales tax etc, from that development is fabulous for our residents.
But we also have, just to the South of there, 133 acres that Deerbergs just purchased. And they are in the process of laying out for a new shopping center. Again, it’s going to be a very nice facility just … You see the one they have there now, they do it right, Deerbergs does, and this one, I expect no less. There’s also a large multi-family development that will be going in that project as well. We’ve got several things on the horizon in Shiloh. Watermark is another company that’s looking in Shiloh to build a facility, a multi-family project. They have one going right now in Chesterfield, which by the way, Watermark must a pretty good product because, it’s the first multi-family product approved in Chesterfield in 20 years.
Bryan Vogt: Really?
Jim Vernier: Yes. So, it’s really going to be a nice project next to … If it’s approved, next to St. Clare Church. Between the Offenberg Auto Mall and St. Clare Church with be Watermarks project.
Bryan Vogt: That is so awesome and, that’s not even including … And, we touched on some of the things but, the new school or, I should say the newer school, it’s been there for awhile. But, the park that’s on Frank Scott Parkway and all those things are in Shiloh and I think you got a golf course or two in the mix there too.
So, the expansion, … Those are all things that just really help a community in whole but, also sellers and also buyers. And that goes to if, … We’re talking about small towns but, I think it reminded me of Wardwell, Illinois and it has a Walmart. That just wasn’t imaginable at one time, it just wasn’t.
And the expansion of Columbia and Evansville, now they have a pretty good sized mall complex there. And all the expansion between Evansville and Glen Carbon, and Collinsville. And this rapid development that we’ve had in the metro East has been amazing. And again, it goes back on to people with vision like you, people that see that possibilities that maybe no one ever saw, and that’s kudos to you.
And just a quick reminder, we are talking with the Mayor of Shiloh, Jim Vernier who has been involved with the city either by Mayor or, in counsel for 33 years. So, the man knows what he’s talking about. And so, we’re very happy to have him. One of the things that, when you talk about in the book and there’s 12 proven steps to the book. And just so you know, it is for a limited time now, it’s a complementary. There’s no cost to you so, there’s no excuse of not getting the book.
So, you can go to, and that’s Pick up the book, sign up for it, it’s a quick, quick process. And if you’re just thinking about … Maybe you’re thinking about moving to Shiloh, maybe you need to sell your house in a metro East, or possibly it could be that you’re thinking about moving to Florida or someplace else, maybe the metro East has been very good for you.
Whatever the reasons are, pick up the book. You do not have to use me, there’s no strings attached, just go get the book. It’s free, sign up for it, we’ll send it out to you. With that being said, what I really want to talk about too, and this is going to be in our next session, is kind of the wrap up. The wrap up of what we talked about. What we’ve been doing here, you don’t want to miss that.
And also, I’m going to talk specifically about what we’re going to be talking about next week that you don’t want to miss. And I’m putting a teaser out there but, stay tuned, come back to us because I think you’re going to be really, really pumped about what we’re going to talk about the next week. You’re listening to Ready, Set, sold, I’m Bryan Vogt.
Ready Set Sold with Bryan Vogt #01-04: Jim Vernier Mayor of Shiloh, IL: New development in Shiloh
May 27, 2017