Bryan Vogt: Hey. Welcome back to, Ready Set Sold with your host Bryan Vogt. Thank you so much for joining us today. Really appreciate it. As you just heard, you heard the mayor of the City of Shiloh, Mayor Jim Vernier. Again, and I kind of mention in the last segment, but I mean, his dedication is second to none of what he’s done, with Shiloh, for the years he’s been there. I mean, my gosh I guess … Doing the math there is many years of being a part of Shiloh. That’s not saying, that’s just the city of Shiloh. That’s not counting his volunteer work, before that in different capacities. Great stuff. I always say.
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As we move on, we’re trying to open this up to more and more avenues, and YouTube and different variety of ways that we’re trying to get the word out. Really, that’s what this show’s about, is trying to get information out to people, so they can make the decisions that work best for them, to get their house sold for top dollar, and a fast sale. I mean, that’s … Again, this is your largest asset for goodness sakes. You want to make sure that you have the information that you can make decisions. And, that’s why the book becomes so important, that you can make decisions, on what you want to do. You have a guide map, to get you there.
Well, we’re talking about selling in the fall. We talked about the outside earlier, about getting the leaves, making sure that the acorns, or the, whatever fruit, or whatever thing that might be dropping there from the trees, fruits or what have you. That’s important to make sure that’s taken care. I think the other part though is just on the inside.
Some of the things you may not think about, but you really want to pay attention to. Many times when, during the summertime, people have their shades open. They will have their curtains wide open, and that’s good thing. However, however, when we say open, they’re usually, maybe about a quarter still up there, because the sun never seems to set, right? It’s open, you know, til nine o’clock.
Well, in the fall time, guess what? Those times, those periods of sun time, get smaller, and smaller, and smaller. So, a simple thing, but a big thing, is make sure that shade, or depending on how you have your blinds, is all the way up, all the way up. That extra foot, foot and a half, whatever that may be, means a big deal, again, because of the sunlight not being able to hit it.
Also, one of the things that we see more of, and sellers having great success with is, is actually having … Consider having some food out, having some things. Have some, maybe some chocolate cookies. You can either make them, or you can buy them. Having some candy. Things of that nature out there. Always want to put a little sign up there. Please take. Please enjoy. Many times otherwise, they won’t do that. You want to have that in there. Makes it just a more cozy thing. It just reminds them, that this is the fall.
We’re moving into the holiday season. We’re not there yet. Okay. We don’t have a hustle bustle yet, but that this is good time, and it’s a fun time. And so, having those type of things, we’ve always had some great success with that. And yes, baking … You know, cinnamon cookies. Things that go traditionally with that type of year, whatever that may be. Things with pumpkin spice. I know that’s a big joke around. A lot of times, is that everything has pumpkin in it. I tell you what, when it comes to selling a house that never a bad thing, to have that smell, have that going throughout the house.
If you can’t do that … I mean, look they make sprays. Okay? If you want to just spray a little bit, that’s okay too. We’ve seen sellers do that, had some great success. Just a little tip. Don’t overdo it. Really … Again, a little spraying here, a little scent in the air, is usually all you’re looking for. One of the issues, sometimes we hear from buyers is, is if you put too much out. This doesn’t have to be pumpkin. This doesn’t have to be anything. It can be any scent.
If it’s overpowering, perception is reality, and they think you’re trying to hide something, that there’s a smell, that you’re trying to mask, which may not be true. And so, they start thinking about, “Well, are these people smokers?” To avoid all that, again, a couple of sprays. You just want that in the air. You don’t need to have it overpowering. I think most sellers know that. You know, on occasion, sometimes you walk into a house and it kind of just, hits you. That’s not really the impression that you want to have.
You know the one thing too, and we didn’t talk about this before, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the fall. One of the things that comes up, is music. I’ll just tell you my professional opinion. I don’t particularly like it. In years past, when surround sound, I get that. You’re trying to advertise that maybe. You’re trying to market that. It’s okay if you want to put it on. I would it on, probably about the lowest you possibly can, for two reasons.
Number one, when a knock comes to the door, when the agents coming in with the sellers … Quite frankly, when they hear music, or they think they’re hearing music, there’s a tenseness that they think somebody’s home. Just for that five, or 10, or 15 seconds, there’s a tenseness and they’re, “Is anybody here?” Quite frankly, that’s the exact opposite mood you want to create. You want to have this, just open the door. You know, look at my beautiful home, and just let ’em go, “Ooh” and “Ah.” That’s, you know, “Smell that pumpkin scent.” Or, having the fireplace with nick knacks in it.
One of the things I really want to mention too. If you have a fire place, and you use it for wood burning, make sure that is clean. Those are just a few things that you can do to really, really make a difference. I know they may seem small, but again, you’re always creating an atmosphere. You’re creating the illusion.
You’re creating an illusion that maybe you cook, cookies every week, and you don’t cook, cookies ever. Maybe you’re sitting there saying that you have a fireplace that never seems to be used, but you just used it, before you put it on the market. Those leaves that you just don’t have, you know, hardly any leaves on the yard at all, even though you have a 75 foot tree. He just missed your raking.
All those things are going to help you. We’ve seen sellers get top dollar for the sales, when offers come in. To get you what you want, to get you moving forward, and to be a win-win for both parties. That’s ultimately what you’re looking for, is to get that.
With that said, we’re going to have the tip of the week. It’s going to be the $5,000 dollar tip of the week. It’s going to be, kind of a point of what we talked about last week, about negotiation. Something that I believe everyone needs to know, at least be aware of, if you’re selling your home, so you don’t want to miss that.
Hey. You still have time. Go get the book. Many of you already have. I really appreciate that. It’s been very flattering that you’ve taken advantage of the offer. Go to, not dot com. Get your free book today. We will see you on the other side.
Speaker 2: Save my life. I’m going down for the last time.
Ready Set Sold with Bryan Vogt #21-04: Jim Vernier Mayor of Shiloh Il: 3 Simple things sellers can do to make their house stand out in Autumn
October 14, 2017