Welcome back to Ready Set Sold I’m your host Bryan Vogt. Thank you so much for joining us and now we’re supporters of the show where people we hear a lot of positive responses and that’s a tip of the week and earlier we were talking to Keith from Metro East Missouri home inspections I talked about the
Inspection process and one of the things that we do find sometimes that sellers and depending on you know what their makeup is how they’re thinking maybe their new selling maybe it’s been years whatever situation is that instead of waiting for the buyer to bring in their inspection and to go through the house in two or three hours is to get it pre-inspected and Keith if you could I’m sure you’ve done pre-inspections and they turned out pretty well correct.
Yeah I’ve done a lot of good homes you know that the buyers are taken care of very well but I also see the other side of the spectrum too you know it’s just a great idea to have a home pre listed or you know a pre inspection is done prior to listing to identify those larger concerns those things that you overlook every day that you know we’re broke but you just forgot about they could take you ten minutes and a couple dollars to repair you know and it just kind of makes a home look more presentable takes away from all the surprises when the buyers have their own inspection done and have a home inspector sweep through the house.
You know when you see the numerous little nickel and dime concerns which could really be left off of the platter if you guys would just give them taken care of up front you know replacing light bulbs you know tightening door handles down you know simple minor repairs it could be done ahead of time that would just kind of make the home look more presentable to your buyers and just kind of take away from that whole fear of what’s going to be found during the buyers home inspection process you know we do a good number of pre listing home inspections on homes in that you know the general Metro East Missouri area and you know our sellers are just always so surprised to see that we identified them items that they knew about already they could just forget and they overlooked them every day.
So it just kind of makes me feel comfortable it gives them more peace of mind is what it does and I love what you said there and I think that just to add on that too is what sometimes unfortunately sometimes there is a big item and I know on the real estate side getting ahead of that finding out if there is a issue with the roots if there is an issue with the heating cooling system or even water here or one of the bigger items you want to get ahead of that because when you put your house on the market and that comes up later that can create some serious problems and put some doubt and buyers mind and the other thing too and Keith I love what you said and that was perception is reality enroll estate and buyers see that light switch.
They can’t understand why the light switch doesn’t work it starts putting that doubt and that can have an effect on them moving forward your house are sometimes the price that you get for your house as they’re starting to try to protect themselves and in those situations that could cost you thousands of dollars so Keith great tips, if you have any doubts whatsoever you know talk to your agent you know ask them about the idea of getting it pre inspected, have somebody like Keith come out there it’s painless but I tell you what it gets all those things out of the way quick and easy and we’ve used Metro East Missouri inspections for years they do a great job with that set great show he thanks so much for being on this on the program happy Saturday everyone see you next week.
Ready Set Sold with Bryan Vogt #29-05: Keith Caldieraro: Importance of getting a pre-inspection before selling your home
December 16, 2017