Welcome back to Ready Set Sold hopefully that all your new your plans already set to go and just waiting for that big ball to drop in the meantime let me tell you my tip of the week and that is coming soon coming soon I think most sellers know it but in case you don’t come soon is a great way to market your home and get top dollar and a fast set and what it just means is that many times that the seller you don’t have everything ready to go maybe you need the cleaning person to come in maybe you need to get those carpeting screens one more time maybe there’s something needs to be painted but it’s a very short period of time and so in that situation ideally five days so you would put a coming soon being that you’re on the market but you’re not going to be having showings until the weekend until those things get done maybe there are numerous things it’s a very good way of not only making sure your house is in great shape but also drawing attention to your house.
Having an open house then on a Saturday or possibly a Sunday and start letting people come in now one thing is about coming soon they don’t work for every house just don’t but if your house qualifies kind of like open houses you can have some phenomenal success we’ve seen people that use the coming soon again you’re prepping your home you still have things you need to get done but while you’re getting that done you’re building a buzz around your house and we’ve seen situations where three four or five people when you tie in with an open house buyers will come in and just recently we saw a seller get a full price offer in the first day it actually was available for buyers to look at it.
You can have those type of successes and just so you know you can have those in the wintertime you can have those anytime but make sure that your agent at least talks to you about it coming soon if your house qualifies for it make sure they have it in their toolbox unfortunately on the Illinois side for whatever reason 90% of the agents don’t either want to use it or won’t use it for whatever those reasons are you’ll want to make sure that your agent has the ability and has of working knowledge you have some great success and having a coming soon sign up for your house you’d be amazed some of the things that we’ve heard not just on the Illinois side but to actually throughout the country.
St. Louis has seen it has tremendous success Metro East same thing you can have that same success make sure that your agent is aware and it’s working now as you’re coming soon have some great success with that said I want to thank my special guest and that is Jaclyn Smith of Liberty Mutual for her information I want to thank everyone for this past year for all of your support for all the great listeners I’ve had out there and the success that the program has been able to generate not only for me but for other people have been on the radio program with that I wish you the happiest of New Year’s and we will see you next week.
Ready Set Sold with Bryan Vogt #31-05: Jaclyn Schmitz representing Liberty Mutual Insurance: Tip of the week: A marketing program every seller should know about
December 30, 2017