Welcome back to Ready Set Sold, this is Bryan Vogt and we’ve been talking about leasing and buying and selling and we are talking mostly about the military because this is the time where things start happening with military they’re coming in they’re getting orders they’re going out there’s a lot of movement in the marketplace and so that’s why we’re talking about the military but sometimes not too many people do it same thing with people trying to sell their own home Fizz because we call them and they’re all state business there are people that also think that going along trying to lease it is a good idea and Renee you can try it and now it’s a free country that doesn’t always work out so well.
Unfortunately and it can lead to some very expensive consequences if you do it fair housing wise but also just in taking care of your property and what type of tenants you get and how expensive evictions are as well that’s true too and I think that there are certain rules that you have to go by I mean correct I mean I know that it may be it’s the same as that you guys have but on the same token there’s some guidelines that people really need to start looking for and if you don’t have those look most people are honest I get that but unfortunately there are some people that come in and am I even talking about the military people coming in but I’m just talking about the military may be trying to lease it trying to save some money.
There’s some things that they need to be doing if they’re going to do it themselves I mean credit checks I mean where they work I mean you’ve got a list of things you guys do right yeah we have we have our policies on what we check and you don’t want to skip anything on it the other thing you have to be careful of is for fair housing you have to be consistent so what check you do on one what questions you ask one inquiry you have to ask every inquiry and unfortunately I’ve seen it before where owners trying to do it themselves unknowingly ask questions to one Prospect they didn’t ask to another prospect and that’s committing a fair housing violation and it can get you in some serious trouble with it you know.
And just do in the background checks making sure that if you deny somebody for something if it comes up on another application you know you deny them as well so you have to have those policies in place and really follow through with it just to make sure that you’re in compliance with it all and it doesn’t end up backfiring on you which would be a very costly mistake that’s a good point and I think the other part and this is from my being in the business so long and seeing the rental aspect of it it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing perfect I think a half percent but I can tell you that more horror stories I’ve heard is from quite frankly when people have gone along.
They went in one person in particular I remember they came in long story shark a few months in they stopped paying their rent as research came in they really didn’t even have a job they made their first month rent but they didn’t do anything else they took them forever to finally get them out of the property once they got to the property they literally had five to ten thousand dollars worth of damage I’m right Frank just it was just rest I’ve seen it before and I’ve been brought in on it I’ve had it happen in the past where I have denied somebody and said no we do not rent to them for these XYZ reasons and it owner does it and I’ve seen it backfire and then they come to me and say I should have listened to you what do I do now.
Because you can get that personal side of it and unfortunately you know some things can be missed the personal side I’ve seen it before where people have made up fake landlords and through my experience I can you know pretty much tell when I’m calling a fake landlord due to the specific questions of knowing what to ask and what type of responses you should be getting on that so people will do some very bold and daring things whenever they’re in desperate situations and you know it can cause heirs to be made if you’re not following through and knowing exactly what you’re looking for and not just on the surface but what you’re looking for deep down as well.
Because it’s huge yeah and like you said I mean thousands and thousands of dollars to get rid of the people that are in your house that should have never been put in there in the first place but then the damage that it leaves behind Plus and the emotional damage that comes with it – I mean it’s a huge loss all around whenever that happens to an owner that’s a great point that’s a great point actually I’m gonna follow up with it because there’s some stories we’re running out of time here but you’ve got time to stay on Rene there’s some other things I wanted to talk about what if you what if you don’t know what to do should do to do the least your property out should you sell your property how should you in the property management and a realtor be working together and that might surprise you that’s an important step – depending on the situation.
So if you got some time Rene we’re going to follow up for the next segment sound good sounds good okay I’ve been talking with Rene Wittenauer with Cecil property management I am Bryan Vogt we will talk to you in a few.
Ready Set Sold with Bryan Vogt #39-03: Renee Wittenauer: Why NOT to go it alone when leasing your house
February 24, 2018