Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about a simple but highly effected system I have created to keep sellers safe while listing their homes!
First there have been changes to the home selling process but nothing that I have seen that would prevent sellers from having success.
Secondly many of these systems I have created I plan on keeping in place in order to better protect my sellers that I will go into more detail later!
So, let’s get into the system I created of keeping sellers safe during the home selling process.
1. Every buyer must send a proof of funds letter before they can see the house.
2. Taking advantage of the powerful pre exiting technology that’s available
3. Having the buyers and agent sign off on a check list that they agree to abide by, which will include:
That the buyers have watched the videos
That they or no one they have been in contact with has had any chills or fevers in the past two weeks.
Face coverings and gloves or must
No children
Among other things that buyers need to agree to.
And here’s the great news! It is working! I recently sold a home with this system and it worked out great for the seller and the buyer!
So who do you know that wants to sell now but wants an agent that will not only keep them safe but also sell their house? Have them call or text my private line today at 618-210-2451. And let’s get started!
Until next time! Make it a great day!